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Sarah Hourquet & Jessica Giovanella
Nov 12, 2023
Autonoma’s protest at UCM in response to UM’s inaction about the Israel-Palestine conflict
On Wednesday 1st of November 2023, three weeks after the re-eruption of hostilities in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and followed by...
Amira Hamadeh
Nov 5, 2023
A week of Tragedy and Political Unrest: “This must stop”
This 44th week has been marked by a series of tragic events that have captured international attention. The tense geopolitical landscape...
Ninetin Lu
Oct 30, 2023
Türkiye at 100: A Janus country
For the past month, the streets and skies of Istanbul have been coloured with a sea of red and white flags flapping alongside portraits...

Lee-Ann Lichtenberger
Oct 28, 2023
Luxembourg’s 2023 elections: Bye Bettel, hello “Neie Luc”?
What do you know about Luxembourg, more particularly, its politics? Probably not much more than I would know about Maltese or Slovenian...

Ana Navarro Bullo
Oct 25, 2023
A call to consciousness
One could keep on questioning what is enough in maximising efforts to stop the hundreds of daily deaths Gaza is condemned to attest every...

Jonathan Wijayaratne
Oct 19, 2023
As if we were back in 2015
It was a weird Saturday. On this 14 October 2023, France woke up under ‘alerte attentat’ (attack alert), the highest level of Vigipirate,...
Sofia Van Trooijen
Jun 11, 2023
Harmonising the Urgency of Climate Change
With summer around the corner, as we reach the middle of June, temperatures have already reached as high as 30 degrees Celsius. During my...

Laura Osterrieth
Jun 1, 2023
(In)justice was served: a case on Sanda Dia
Sanda Dia was a 20-years-old Belgian student, who was studying civil engineering at the prestigious University of Leuven. Coming from a...

Lee-Ann Lichtenberger
May 31, 2023
Lützerath: Post Mortem
If you have followed the news in January and are somewhat interested in climate justice, you will definitely have come across reports...

Alodia Heijmans
May 29, 2023
Eesti-residency: The New Digital Nation with Edward Lucas
A small innovation of technology and a revolution on the global market, the system of Estonian e-Residency, also called...

Esther Neville
May 25, 2023
A forgotten crisis: Human Rights Violations in Western Sahara
Throughout history, borders have perpetually changed, relocated and alternated depending on which state was in power. A location may...

Jane Hilgert
May 25, 2023
"Papers, please."
There is a heart beat. Good , strong, steady. A chest rises as air fills the lungs. Blood is being pumped through the veins. And not only...

Leen Mahayni
May 25, 2023
Lebanon, Caught in the Middle
Beirut, the capital of Lebanon, was once dubbed the "Paris of the Middle East" and "Middle Eastern Switzerland". From a financial...

Emre Küpcük
May 25, 2023
Putting a Stop to Ethnic Cleansing in a growingly realist world: The Rohingya and the ICC
The International Criminal Court (ICC) has been examining the ongoing situation concerning the livelihoods of Rohingya people in Burma,...

Louise Chanut & Maya Müller-Perron
May 25, 2023
Building Walls or Breaking Barriers: The EU's Struggle with Migration Control
Two positions on the EU´s migration crisis: A few days ago, on the 28th of March 2023, the committee on budgets of the European...

Anthi Likitsakos
May 25, 2023
Is Force-feeding Torture?
When we think of torture, we might think of war criminals, communist states, and violent and gruesome practices. However, some types of...

Jonathan Wijayaratne
May 25, 2023
Vox Populi Vox Dei: Addressing the European Democratic Deficit
Brussels, 15 May 2019. Public television networks in all 28 Member States of the European Union are broadcasting the Eurovision Debate...

Pauline Keller
May 25, 2023
The Digital Euro: Why Europe is Embracing a Cashless Future
It’s Wednesday afternoon, you've spent the whole day in the library, and the only thing you want is to go home. But wait, you have...

Marta De Grandi & Chloé Leplatre
May 25, 2023
European Integration Through Economic Expansion?
By the end of the Second World War (1939-1945), Europe was left in a state of unprecedented destruction. The continent was a divided and...

Laura Osterrieth
May 25, 2023
A New Front for NATO? The Implications of a Chinese Invasion of Taiwan
I get brutally awakened by my mom banging on my bedroom door. The sound of muffled bombing resonates through the city of Taipei. The time...
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