[Al Jazeera] The truth behind NATO debates
[Reuters] Evidence presented from both parties in jurisdictional immunity trial
[Russia Today]: Freeing Russia from sanctions and a future culture visa in the EU?
[Reppublica] Emergono incoerenze e fratture nel Parlamento Europeo durante la conferenza stampa sulla diplomazia culturale.
[Süddeutsche Zeitung] Europarat verabschiedet Empfehlung: Türkei stellt klare Grenzen bei der nationalen Überwachung
[Reuters] Misunderstanding: Colombia clarifies declaration of war against Venezuela
[Reuters] Chaos in European talks on energy supply on Friday afternoon
[AP] Bolivia draws attention over educational measures at SOCHUM
[Reuters] Representatives struggle to agree on a discussion topic in debate on global supply chains at WTO
[AP] Chinese influence looms at African Union talks on Belt and Road Initiative
[Politico] A spiral of hope for reconciliation in a previously polarized European Parliament begins to show on the second day of debates on the European Legislator’s cultural diplomacy draft
[AFP] Heated debates at WHO talks on digital health: Japan stresses China’s record of not using data ethically
[CGTN] Western powers attempt to force English in global education
[Reuters] UNSC calls for free and fair elections in Venezuela
[Reuters] UNSC debates lifting sanctions against Venezuela’s Maduro Government
[Politico] Visions of unity premature in the African Union as threshold agreement fails
[Politico] Dispute between left and far-right at EP over cultural diversity
[The Daily News] Peace and Power: an oxymoron?
[Politico] France pushes from nuclear energy in debate about green energy sources
[AP] Heated debates in WHO talks on digital health, Japan stresses China’s record of not using data ethically