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[new york times] Dr. Greedish does his name justice: #CancelDrGreedish

Guest Writer

The World Health Organization Committee has been convening over the past few days in order to discuss the matter of the opioid crisis. Today, countries found themselves in heated conflicts. An anonymous delegate has expressed serious doubts regarding Dr. Jack Greedish’s credibility as an expert guest speaker on the topic.

As a recent Guardian Article reported, the expert seems biased toward Nalaxone, a prescription medication that can be used as a tool to fight opioid effects. The uncertainty concerning his position increased when he openly admitted to receiving income based on his connection to the Naloxone lobby and companies.

He seemed unable to clearly state the process Naloxone causes in the body.

The aforementioned anonymous delegate is calling for a #CancelDrGreedish movement.

- Anita Hanjab


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