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The Maastricht Diplomat

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[guardian] Dr. Jack Greadish, both the problem and the solution

The Delegation of Canada of the WHO - currently debating on the massive problem that is the Opioid Crisis - invited an expert today, to share his thoughts on the topic. Doctor Jack Greadish addressed the topic, clearly stating that this is not a crisis. He emphasises that one needs to separate the drug from the addiction, since “one can become addicted to anything”. It is the doctor’s responsibility to know how to properly prescribe opioids. Using his experience as a doctor: “Only two of my patients have died of an opioid addiction, that’s pretty good.”

Asked about Naloxone, a medication used to reverse the effects of opioids, he has nothing to hide: “I get paid by Naloxone.” And by the opioid lobby as well. Regardless of Naloxone, he believes that opioids are indeed still necessary, and the fact that the opioid companies pay him does not matter to him. And he admits: “I see myself as part of the problem and as part of the solution.”

Was he able to properly explain how Naloxone works? The delegate of the Philippines had to correct him, and Dr. Greadish was only able to explain the medication in terms that “kids” would understand because politicians and diplomats are like kids in his opinion.

It remains to be seen whether the WHO takes his opinions and knowledge into account.

  • Idonna Kar, Health editor Guardian

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