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UNSC – Yet more hot air…

Guest Writer

The United Nations Security Council (UNSC) reached grid lock when discussing the crisis in Tigray today with little in terms of concrete action or statements. Western countries have been pleading for more intervention, with France championing economic sanctions with support from its NATO allies and Tunisia. On this, however, multiple states expressed their scepticism towards such measures. With Kenya highlighting the fact that sanctions tend to be rather damaging for the general population and not very effective. China expressed concern that any overbearing action by the UNSC would infringe on the independence of Ethiopia, saying that this remains an internal matter.

The discussion kept revolving around the humanitarian crisis and the violence in Tigray, with the prosecution of war crimes and the effective distribution of humanitarian aid being the two main points of contention. The underlying thread being that the Eritrean troops, who reportedly have been refusing to withdraw from the region, are worsening the situation on the ground.

In the end there seemed to be an emerging consensus on the creation of mediated peace talks between the Federal Government and the TPLF. Now anticipation is mounting for the tabeling of an official resolution, or at least the start of one.

This account was brought to you by Micheal Littoris, EuroMUN 2021 Special Correspondent on the Security Council.


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