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[The Guardian] China is Blocking Debate in UNSC

Guest Writer

A heated debate was going on this morning in the UN Security Council to say the least. There were fireworks, especially between the delegates of China and the United States.

A fierce claim was made by the United States that the decisive power should be in the hands of the regional countries of the Arctic and not by “a random country”, referring to China.

China replied very offended to this statement and demanded an apology from the US or, otherwise, they would not approve of any proposals from this point onwards. Although the US stated that they definitely did not intend to insult China, the US appeared to be unwilling to retract their claim. Despite these efforts of the US to settle the conflict, China still felt offended: “they cannot disrespect our country” and “from this point we are vetoing every resolution”. To this remark, Finland sneered that this was the reason why China had an observatory function within UNSC.

During the unmoderated caucus, the delegates of the US and China were, again, fiercely debating on the previous point, still without any progress. Furthermore, Russia and China were talking a lot to each other during the unmoderated caucus, but unfortunately, we can only guess about which topic.

- Lars Hamers, World News correspondent at The Guardian


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