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The Maastricht Diplomat

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[new york times] Detente on the horizon?

Guest Writer

“Our goal is not the victory of might, but the vindication of right- not peace at the expense of freedom, but both peace and freedom, here in this Hemisphere, and, we hope, around the world.”

John F. Kennedy is going on a series of separate speeches throughout 20 states in the next week, planning to speak on the current ongoing crisis and on the strength of his administration in addressing the cold conflict between the USA and the USSR.

Pressured by the Soviets, doubling their troops in East Germany, the United States increased the employment of their troops in West Germany.

Will this cause further disruption among the Americans?

“American citizens shall not worry; we will prevail” Kennedy is quoted as saying in the White House today.

The Secretary General, David Rusk's role in preventing a nuclear confrontation over the Cuban Missile Crisis, must rank as the most spectacular example of preventive diplomacy in the annals of the United Nations. Rusk held diplomatic talks with USSR officials to find a middle ground. An agreement to de-escalate the situation in Germany and Turkey has been reached.

All this diplomatic activity has certain corners of Washington buzzing about de-escalation. Rusk's meeting is a pivotal point for advocates of U.S. retrenchment from Nuclear Conflict, the logic being that if regional actors are behaving responsibly by cooperating with the US cabinet officials, then the United States can draw down from Turkey and only return in the event of a crisis.

While Fidel Castro's escape remains on the US's radar, as of now a new sign for peace, freedom, and hope is born.

- Roger Martin


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