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Human Rights Council Day 1.

Guest Writer

A slow first day of the EuroMUN 2021 conference on human slavery in modern supply chains, attending delegates came forward and stated their position on the aforementioned problem. In an unprecedented move within international politics and diplomacy, the delegate have unanimously agreed that modern slavery must be eradicated. With such backing, a universally accepted proposal is surely within reach. Or is it?

What is concerning, is that there seems little to no leadership within the committee with regards to one nation taking the lead in alliance formation and paper creation. At this stage of the game all delegates have treated each other with courtesy and respect, as befitting their stations, but no one delegate is displaying a true show of strength. Perhaps a longer game is at play. With so much at stake, from control over trade routes to global economic power, as of yet there is wiggle room for both the larger powers as well as the strategically placed nations to make demands to suit themselves. It may suit the smaller nations to wait for larger states to play their hands before deciding which camp they fall into. This may come into conflict with the more environmentally friendly delegates, who would undoubtedly need to work together to bring forward their agenda successfully. There is a lot to play for over the coming few days.

Today was all about situating the delegates within the topic discussion, but tomorrow - Day 2 - will be crucial for delegates to make their stamp on this resolution and bring themselves to to the forefront on the global stage. With many hours of debate on the agenda, there is surely a chance for a power grab and some conflict of interests to arrive.

This post was brought to you by Sal Ami, EuroMUN special correspondent on the Human Rights Council.


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