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HRC takes tentative steps towards eradication of slavery.

Guest Writer

After four fierce days of debate, with traditional political intrigue and backstabbing, the Human Rights Council of EuroMUN2021 voted in favour two from three proposed measures for eradicating modern slavery from supply chains.

With the agreed upon terms that that modern day slavery is dictated by economic flow, from between developed and developing nations, terms were largely dictated on two fronts. The first, education, was largely agreed upon that, according to Art. 7 of the International Covenant on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights Act of 1966, workers have the right to demand transparency and fair treatment by their employers. Not only supporting the HR knowledge of workers but by introducing societal mechanisms to reintegrate the marginalised and to caution against ravaging foreigners, the HRC has passed legislation that should, in theory, work to better the conditions of workers in impoverished nations such as Bangladesh and Indonesia.

The second, and chief motivator, behind the resolution were stricter control of financial means. With strongly worded steps to be taken regarding economic sanctions or relief with regards to guideline obedience, it is clear that international political thought is based around the belief that with stricter regulations surrounding the economic flow comes better working conditions. However, there is clear indication that the WTO would be the regulators. With its neoliberal stance, which often comes to the detriment of the very developing countries pushing so hard for the bill, there is little doubt in this correspondent's mind that these measures will be difficult to enact upon.

This crack in the plan is covered up through well-intentioned efforts such as tightening up border security measures with regards to smuggling, both human and valuable goods. A promise to follow up on corruption investigation was included, although clear steps of how to lay out such stringent measures were only lightly touched upon and likely to crumble under scrutiny in the future. Transparency of workers' rights and workers' safety measures to the workers themselves holds the greatest promise for holding wealthier nations accountable, with clear indicators of what steps are to be taken. These include periodical technical checks and provision for technical expertise when needed from international bodies. The final mechanism of an international governing body, made up of member states, to act as coordinators of the effort is the final piece of the proposed puzzle, but it remains to be seen whether or not this will be a successful effort in the future, keeping in mind that, at the end of the day, money talks.

This report was brought to you by Sal Ami, EuroMUN2021 Special Correspondent to the Human Rights Council.


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