In the last session of this MUN the delegates of the United Nation Security Council came together to vote on the final amendments of the conference resolution, tackling the questions of militarization of the arctic and what entity will possess political claim of the territory. In their opening statements the representative of the Arctic Council (AC) asked once again for support of a clause, enabling more political power and involvement by the council. The previous disagreements between China and Russia seem to have been resolved, as both nations strongly agreed with the AC’s demand. China congratulated the AC on their “amazing proposal”, adding their thanks to the other member states that contributed. Russia asks the remaining delegates to increase their collaboration with the Arctic Council and restrain from the creation of a new legislative body, because it could potentially overpower the decision rights of the AC. They asked the other delegates to pass the mandates proposed by China.
- Pauline Keller, Political Correspondent for EurACTIV