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[AP] Progress over cybersecurity guidelines at the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe

Sarah Dargento

Delegates discussed on Sunday morning national policies on cybersecurity at the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), as countdown started to finalize recommendations.

According to AP writers, clause 2, which mainly relates to budgeting, proved to be quite challenging. In a press conference held on Sunday morning, the French representative of the Unified European Left Group (UEL) reviewed the progress made on that clause. 

Clause 2 had started as a broad recommendation to increase state investment of the countries’ GDP into cybersecurity. 

Representatives shortly considered giving strict guidelines. However, that was very quickly vetoed by many countries of the Parliamentary Assembly, which do not wish to tie themselves to such strict guidelines.

Countries now appear to be moving in the direction of encouraging members to focus more on cyber security as part of their national defense spending.

The French representative further stressed how difficult reaching a consensus, especially on budgets, was in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, which is such a large and diverse body. 

Over the last few days, members of PACE have been debating on the question of cybersecurity at length, a pressing issue in today's increasingly digital world. Representatives analyzed different aspects of the pressing matter, from privacy to the protection of children.

The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe doesn’t provide resolutions but recommendations of one page, which they will soon do on the topic of cybersecurity, as 4 days of intense debates draw to an end.

EuroMUN Committee: Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly (PACE)

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