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[AP] Italy presents witnesses at ICJ state immunity hearings

Jessica Giovanella

Italy took a more objective stance at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) Saturday morning, a move observers said could potentially shift the final verdict of the judges in a case over the jurisdictional immunity of the state. 

Italy presented two witnesses on Friday, an Italian civilian during World War II and a Greek lawyer. Those witnesses inclined the judges to diverge towards defending and agreeing with Germany.  

Both judges and the president of the ICJ considered Italy as too focused on emotional arguments, not presenting objective cases related to laws of immunity.The Italian civilian during World War II was said to be completely incompetent for answering any legal questions and furthering the final verdict of the case, an analyst reported. 

A judge also shared with Associated Press the efficiency of Germany in comparison to Italy, as they applied a more critical eye and extensive questions for cross-examination since the beginning of the Court proceedings. Germany presented Pr. Hazel Fox, professor of international law, and the President of the European Court of Human Rights, on Friday. The country continued along their path by selecting a jurisdictional immunity professor of international law and representative of the United Nations, Sompong Sucharitkul. 

After today's witness presented by Germany, Italy presented a professor in International Law coming from Amsterdam, Rosanne Van Alebeek, showing a more objective stance. 

A judge privately shared their sudden excitement for the case, stating the case became interesting as both witnesses for Germany and Italy contradicted each other, initiating further debate. 

Some judges still appeared skeptical as to the relevance of the witness, considering the professor countered their own arguments.

Sucharitkul shared his concern over Italy's last witness, Rosanne Van Alebeek, exposing the lack of accuracy between her statement and her life-long previous academic research on state immunity and jus cogens. Analysts emitted the option that Italy's lack of objectivity may not be the only hold back for winning the case. 

EuroMUN Committee: International Court of Justice (ICJ)


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