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[The Onion] The world according to PACE is starting to look like 1984

Jessica Giovanella

In a press conference Sunday morning, Denmark revealed their nature as a real world science fiction director.

When asked a question on the spying nature of social media, Denmark stated “everything is spying on you”. While already suspected, Denmark showed the real purpose of PACE, to transform our world into George Orwell's vision.  

Switzerland may be the only party unaware of the goal of PACE, promoting private citizen rights and trying to find a balance between privacy and security. This may simply be a mask, promoting fake news to avoid any suspicion on PACE, as any good dictator would do. 

Even the President of PACE affirmed the controlling nature of the Internet and the dictatorship of PACE. It is no coincidence that the topic of cyber-security was given to PACE, only a path for them to control the world and spy on individuals.

EuroMUN Committee: Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly (PACE)


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