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The Maastricht Diplomat

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[Russia Today] NATO is once again perpetuating Western propaganda...

Lars Hamers

Today not only a great deal of disrespect, but an outright crime has been inflicted on our beloved friend and partner China. China has been continuously harassed during today’s NATO negotiations. Our dearest friend China has done no harm to anyone, and NATO must be hold accountable for the harmful things they have said.

United Kingdom of Great Britain has stated that “Collaborating with China is not an option for us”, because China is “no trustworthy ally”, which is an outright insult for our beloved friend. Russia Today strongly condemns these statements. Moreover, United Kingdom wants to “enhance NATO’s military position” in Taiwan, which can be seen by China as an immediate provocation.

The United States of America declared that they desire a partnership between their country and the chip manufacturing company of TSMC. This must be prevented at all cost, the United States wants to draw all global power to themselves and with this, they stand in the way of fair economic competition between countries worldwide.

The lightheaded statements given in the NATO meeting today do seem very foolish considering the west’s great economic dependence of China. However, China can always count on the support of their good friend Russia, who will back them if necessary and who is also used to insulting words from the west.

Through insulting our beloved friend China, Russia cannot help but feel insulted as well. Russia has been the saviour of the west all this time ago in the second world war by saving the west from oppression. Since time immemorial, the west has failed to repay this debt to Russia, or even show gratitude or respect for everything Russia has delivered them over the past.

NATO’s negotiations will continue the next few days and Russia Today will keep you updated on any details.

- Lars Hamers, Western Propaganda Correspondent for Russia Today


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