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The Maastricht Diplomat

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Hopes Dashed

Guest Writer

Although success was achieved in the previous night and a merged document was submitted, displaying compromise from all sides, there was no agreement for the resolution in the end. With Russia voting against the motion any hopes of a timely UNSC response to the crisis were dashed.

Russia gave a brief statement to the matter claiming the lack of coherence between the resolution and the positions of other members, also expressing concern of “many loopholes inside the solutions”.

The other members of the P5 were upset with the rejection of the proposed resolution. With the French ambassador saying that this was “ a dark day for Human Rights and Justice”, further criticising Russia for complaining of loopholes while simultaneously not proposing adequate amendments. Further slamming the Russain delegation for “masquerading as supporters in both blocs” and accused Russia of “bullying other countries”.

The ambassador of the USA also expressed that they were “highly disappointed with the veto” after having worked hard to “address the concern of Russian federation”. Describing the results as a shame that “due to the mere ego of the Russian Federation” this resolution didn’t pass, ending their statement by questioning “exactly what the Russian Federation wants”.

While China was not as harsh in it’s expression of its discontent, saying that the “delegation is saddened about the outcome” yet conveying optimism by saying “hopes that in the future we will come to a conclusion that benefits all sides”. However, revealing a frustration after having worked closely with the Russian delegation and using their political capitol, China also showed its full support for the region saying that “China will not leave his African partners behind in this conflict. We will stand side by side.”

The other non-permanent members also expressed their dismay with Russia. Estonia lamented the fact that after many concessions to the Russian position, the veto was still exercised. Norway was too frustrated to add to the European position.

Meanwhile the two African non-permanent members, Tunisia and Kenya, both regret that there was no resolution with Tunisia stating that “we have reached another deadlock, the same outcome from 2-3 months ago”. Both expressing concerns for the humanitarian crisis and the spillover into the region and the implications for the continent at large.

After the arduous negotiations have elapsed the outcome is the same, with nothing done.

This report was brought to you by Michael Littoris, EuroMUN2021 Special Correspondent to the United Nations Security Council Committee.


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