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The Maastricht Diplomat

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[The Onion] Scrap SCRUM and open space offices, the new revolution is here

Elena Bovée

The World Trade Organization (WTO) gathered on Friday morning in Maastricht, unexpectedly not to focus on trade surprisingly, but to revolutionize the way meetings are done. 


While the dire situation of diversification of the global supply chain was called to attention at the World Trade Organization, the delegates decided to dedicate their time to more pressing matters: Deciding the position of the tables. 

After much moving around and many adjustments, the delegates were able to create what they dubbed as ‘The Coffee Bean Shape’. 

It is believed that such a change in position would allow for better discussion. 

Why waste time on addressing the inequalities of developed and developing countries when you can work on getting close and comfy with your fellow delegates? With the coffee bean shape, you can say goodbye to harsh corners and edges, and enjoy closer proximity to those across from you. 

With such a revelation, it can be said that the WTO can now proceed to more effective and efficient resolutions and proposals. And who knows, maybe the U.S will finally sway to the Belt and Road Initiative and end their constant threats of vetos.

After the addition to the Coffee Bean Shape, there was a notable relaxation that swept the room and more willingness for cooperation.

EuroMUN Committee: World Trade Organization (WTO)


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