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FASoS Faculty Council Elections 2023

Chiara Matschuck

We are in the beginning of May and you know what that means - this year´s student elections at Maastricht University are finally coming up again. Each year around this time, all students at Maastricht University have the possibility to vote for their fellow students and to decide who gets in their Faculty´s Council to represent the students´ interests. After long weeks of preparation and of deciding about their program and candidate list, the three parties that you can vote for at FASoS are ready for the upcoming elections. So let´s have a look at who runs for this year´s Student Council at FASoS and at what they campaign for.

“KAN - Klimaat Actie Network”

Firstly, we have the student party KAN. They have 9 candidates on their list, among these, the first three candidates, Sonora Ward, Tho Thi and Berenice von der Goltz. Standing for sustainability, climate justice and social responsibility, they want to make FaSos contribute to a better, equal and sustainable world. This could, for example, happen through integrating the topic of climate change and its effects in each subject of study. For FASoS itself, they aim to tackle the problems in regard to sexual harassment and mental health problems by making FASoS a safe, diverse and more inclusive place for everyone. Apart from that, they want to keep their initiative of creating more housing for UM students continuously going. And lastly, they want to ensure that UM is held more accountable and transparent in the future, as they see UM currently undergoing a lack of information and reporting towards its students.

For more information about KAN, check out their website and KAN´s manifesto for 2023:

“MSRP Dope”

The second party running, is MSRP Dope. The three candidates Lieselot Gerdes, Frederike de Lorijn and Milan Beun are running to represent their party´s interests. As they only provide their candidate list on UM´s website and no campaign topics, one must go to their website to find out more about what they stand for. They don´t specify on concrete goals for FASoS or for the year 2023/2024, but their general idea is to improve the education at UM by, for example, making use of more new technologies. They also aim to continuously increase the number of study places and to ensure there are enough possibilities for extracurricular activities. Besides that, they emphasise that they want to prepare UM for dealing with all new challenges that come with a rising number of students.

More information about MSRP Dope can be found on their website


And last, but not least, there´s the student party NovUM. Having 13 candidates on their list, such as their top three candidates Dylan Sijmonsbergen, Mariapaola Sugliano and Hailey Halligan, they have this year´s longest candidate list. All of them are motivated to fight for issues in domains such as housing, education, sustainability and internationalism. More precisely, they aim to, for example, help in translating documents and provide support when an international student is in search of housing. For this, they want to make Student Ambassadors and Student Representatives more approachable and easier to contact. Besides that, they want to raise awareness of the great possibilities of extracurricular activities at UM and to encourage more students to make use of it. Additionally, a training on how to use your PBL skills in the post-degree time is planned to be introduced. Another focus is put on fostering sustainability by improving the separation of waste as well as on adding more furniture to the FASoS garden to create more outside space to study and to socialise. And, most importantly, NovUM is dedicated in reviving the FaSos community by organising more community events again, such as the FASos Gala.

More information about NovUM can be found on their website or on one of their Instagram channels run by their members such as “dylan_politics”, “hailey_politics” or “charles_politics”.

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