Judges began deliberating on Friday morning at the world’s top court in the Hague, in a case involving Germany and Italy over jurisdictional immunities.
The International Court of Justice (ICJ) entered its second day of proceedings on Friday morning in the Hague, Netherlands, over jurisdictional immunities of the state. After advocates of Italy finished presenting evidence, the seven judges began deliberating.
The judges’ task is to analyze what the advocates of Italy and Germany have been saying so far and consider the evidence both parties have provided. After long and careful examination, the judges will present their conclusions in the final judgment.
Advocates prepare themselves as this afternoon, the court will hear witnesses from both Germany and Italy. The press had the opportunity to talk with one of those witnesses, an Italian citizen who suffered from the actions of Nazi Germany during World War II.
The dispute started when Italy awarded monetary sanctions for the deportation and forced labor of an Italian citizen by the German military during World War II, thus refusing to recognize Germany’s state immunity. The debate was reopened in 2004 when Germany applied for the second time to the ICJ.
Over the following days, the ICJ will continue presiding over this complex international legal issue, involving questions such as state immunities and enforcement of foreign court rulings.