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Head Editor
Jan 11, 2016
Same same but different
By Paddy Bruel For a great number of people around the world, the Christian celebration of Christmas and the celebration of the beginning...
Head Editor
Jan 6, 2016
“We’ll Always Have Each Other.”
By Milli Ehringhaus When starting out fresh in a new environment, everything appears harder than it should. Specifically, when moving to...

Head Editor
Dec 23, 2015
Five arguments why you should join an MUN right now
By Leon Heckmann HamMUN 2015 was my second MUN after EuroMUN in Maastricht this year and once again it was a blast. For all those who...

Head Editor
Dec 20, 2015
UNSA Delegation present and dancing!
By Alice Nesselrode | 4 days of debating, getting into the role of a country’s delegate and writing your own history in international...
Head Editor
Dec 14, 2015
5 tips to save our climate
By Johannes Schroeten Last Saturday, the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Paris ended. 196 Countries participated, represented...
Head Editor
Dec 12, 2015
2015 Paris Climate Conference 101
By Elysia Rezki Talks surrounding climate change and “COP” have been particularly prevalent in the news lately, but what does it all...
Head Editor
Dec 5, 2015
The Maastricht Paradox
Milli Ehringhaus and Catharina Wahls Leaving home for the first time every student yearns for the freedom to do and please as he or she...

Head Editor
Nov 28, 2015
By Diya Dilan and Fiona O’Hara On Sunday the 15th of November, Amnesty International Maastricht Students (AIMS) assembled on the Sint...

Head Editor
Nov 23, 2015
Fan-fictions: not just a crazy obsession
By Eszter Sailer Although, for obvious reasons, it is unlikely that any kind of fan-fiction would be posted here, it is still a genre of...
Head Editor
Nov 18, 2015
On the Paris attacks and its aftermath
“No one is born hating another person because of the colour of his skin, or his background, or his religion. People must learn to hate,...
Head Editor
Nov 12, 2015
Quo vadis Europe? – The refugee crisis as pull test for the EU
By Leon Heckmann The refugee crisis is certainly the most pressing issue currently for the European Union and Europe in general. As the...

Head Editor
Nov 4, 2015
Procrastination, Life is Your Creation
By Marie-Isabel Theuwis Students are known to be experts in avoiding to face the huge amount of studying to be done. The past exam weeks...
Head Editor
Oct 29, 2015
Playing the people’s game on the Mediterranean
By James Mackle There is always a sense of excitement the news junkie feels when gazing at electoral euphoria in the Mediterranean....

Head Editor
Oct 22, 2015
Of Bears and Breakdowns
By Marie Peffenköver Stress is one of the most commonly used words of the last years. Everyone knows it, the feeling of not being able to...
Head Editor
Oct 17, 2015
The new Balkans
by Johannes Schroeten Does history repeat itself? No doubt, there are similarities and distinctions alike between the past and today. And...

Head Editor
Sep 15, 2015
Behind the Scenes of lectures and Parties- the Events Committee
By Charles Veekmans, Head of Events It all starts during the group meeting with the committee. With a group of motivated and enthusiastic...

Head Editor
Sep 13, 2015
When everyone zigs, you zag: Tips and Tricks for becoming the Best Delegate at Model United Nations
By Marysia Czabanowska, Head of Delegations at UNSA Maastricht Is it your first time being a delegate? Have you already been infected by...

Head Editor
Sep 11, 2015
Caught by an MUN fever – from the experience of an MUN enthusiast
By Raphael Dias e Silva, Secretary General of the EuroMUN 2016 Lights go down as the hush ceases on the crowd. Another MUN has started....

Head Editor
Sep 9, 2015
One day as a volunteer for Maventy Health International
By Elodie L’homme, UNSA volunteer in Madagascar in summer 2015 with Maventy Health International Our days in Anivorano were usually...

Head Editor
Sep 7, 2015
A wall against humanity
By Alice Nesselrode Imagine you’re in a truck, many, many miles from home. You have been travelling for weeks, months, preparing for this...
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