Sunday Summary – A Dystopian Reality
[The Onion] 21st Century Tools for 21st Century Diplomacy
[Reuters] A minority opposition in the African Union
[Reuters] President of the European Council addresses the UNSC on situation in Venezuela
[CGTN] African Union pledges full support for military operations in China’s Taiwan region
[Il Fatto QUotidiano] Gli avvocati Italiani deludono nel caso della Corte Internazionale della Giustizia contro la Germania
[Süddeutsche Zeitung]: Internationaler Gerichtshof: positive Aussichten für Deutschland
[Russia Today] A growing anti-Chinese sentiment becomes increasingly apparent during Saturday’s press conference
[AP] Confidential Draft leaks in European Parliament
[Reuters] French delegate is finally able to convince NATO allies to address ‘The Big Leak’
[Süddeutsche Zeitung] Artikel 12 - Mit oder ohne Kernkraft?
[The Onion] Ominous noises in the European Parliament on Saturday afternoon
[Reuters] Eswatini, and the mystery of the lost clause
[AFP] China describing own initiative as “death-trap” in WTO
[Al Jazeera] Opinion: Developing countries in a struggle to protect their People as developed nations’ veto proposal threatens to hamper the future of international collaboration
[Reuters] NATO members address “Eastern front” allegations and intel sharing
[Al Jazeera] Nations at WTO fail to show consensus
[AP] Mediation court as the solution for territorial dispute between Venezuela and Guyana
[Politico] NATO members fall short concluding as end of four-day summit nears
[AFP] La fin du nucléaire européen?